Bookbinding and conservation by hand: A working guide
Young, Laura
R.R. Bowker Co, NY
Conservation and restoration
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This book is designed as a working guide in the field of hand bookbinding and book conservation. It is intended as a practical manual for teachers and their students; as an instruction guide to be followed by the beginner attempting to learn binding on his or her own; and as a ready reference for experienced binders, book collectors, book dealers, and librarians. Hand bookbinding in the United States has been influenced primarily by the English, French, and German schools of binding. The techniques described in this volume follow in principle the German school and, to the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first book in which these binding practices have appeared in English. German techniques move in a logical sequence and can be executed efficiently. The heart of this working guide is the three chapters dealing with techniques and the chapter on conservation. Basic Techniques details the fundamental skills that are applicable to all hand bookbinding. General Techniques includes those practices that, with minor variations, cover the early stages in all types of bindings. Specific Techniques describes the steps primarily used in producing a specific type of hand binding. The basic principles of conservation work cover one of the more important areas in the field of hand bookbinding today. All instructions throughout this book have been tested at the bench by at least one person, in addition to the author, for clarity and completeness. Where feasible, a list of materials needed precedes the step-by-step instructions for a given section or techniques. These lists will allow the binder to gather together all materials and equipment to be used before beginning work on any phase of the project. Originally published in 1981, Oak Knoll's edition has a revised bibliography and a new list of supply sources.