The encyclopedia of type faces
Jasper W. Pincus and Johnson A.F.
Blandford Press
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686.224 JASP
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For nearly half a century the Encyclopaedia of Type Faces has been the standard desktop reference work for all those in any way concerned with type faces, their designers and their sources. It contains the widest possible selection of faces - nearly 2,000 - including those most likely to be of practical use with those of historical importance. After a short introduction with notes on type face classification and a glossary of the technical terms, the faces are arranged alphabetically under three main sections - Romans, Lineales and Scripts - for easy reference. Each entry includes a speciment setting, usually upper and lower case alphabets with fugures; the original founder or manufacturer, with the date of introduction: and, where appropriate, the classification according to British Standard 2961:1967. The faces are indexed by both name and designer.