The repair of cloth bindings: A manual
Johnson, Arthur W.
Oak Knoll Press & British Library
Conservation and restoration
_ pending _
025.7-dc21 JOHN
For loan
Once copy only
One of the leading designer bookbinders in Great Britain, Arthur Johnson has used his extensive knowledge of book construction to provide a reference manual for the repair and reconstruction of cloth bindings. Each process is explained in precise detail with clear text in order to give the worker confidence in this exacting skill. Using more than 90 illustrations, drawn by the author himself, Johnson explains his procedures for sound repair that he has developed over many decades. Johnson's ability to instruct and teach bookbinders, conservationists, and students of binding history is exceptional. He has written four other manuals on binding that are considered classics and The Repair of Cloth Bindings is no exception. Included in this work is a brief but comprehensive history of cloth as a binding material from its early use in handwork to complete automation.
Arthur W Johnson A.T.D., N.D.D., C & G L.I. is also a Honorary Fellow of Designer Bookbinders, Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Craft Education and Patron of the A.B.C. Book Society of New Zealand. He has lectured and written articles for book societies throughout the world. He has a degree in Art and diplomas in Bookbinding and Calligraphy.