The Zaehndorfs Craft bookbinders (1842-1947)
Broomhead, Frank
Private Libraries Association
Binding--19th century, Binding--20th century
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686.309 33 BROO
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Once copy only
From the preface: "There are few firms of craft bookbinders that can claim an existence of longer thatn one hundred years. One which can is Zaehnsdorf Limited, founded in 1842 by Joseph Zaehnsdorf. It remained under the direct control of three successive generations of the Zaehnsdorf family for a period exceeding its century...On the basis of the available records, and articles in contemporary trade periodicals, a few perspectives are here presented on the story of one of the better known English bookbinders. It was founded on the skill and perseverance of an immigrant binder, and for over one hundred years adhered to his tenets of fine workmanship, successively under his guidance and then under that of his son and grandson. Bindings produced by the firm of Zaehnsdorf are still admired for the excellence of the craftsmanship which they display and whilst, in the main, their designs rely on the inspiration of the past, innovative essays into more contemporary styles were made on a few occasions. The repair and restoration of books and documents was an important part of the firm's activities and its principals demonstrated a keen interest in the underlying science."